Braised cabbage with tomatoes and peppers as a savory side dish with meat or frying. The dish can be spiced mild or spicy, depending on taste, it is very simple and inexpensive and it is suitable for preparing or cooking in stock.
Cut white cabbage
Wash the cabbage and cut into strips. Peel the onion and garlic, cut and chop finely. Peppers in half, remove the core and cut into small strips.
Deglaze with white wine
Oil in the pot, heat, fry the onion glassy, paprizieren and add white wine.
boil the wine, then add the tomato paste, the cabbage and the spices and simmer everything.
Tomato cabbage
Just before serving, the pepper strips and allow to follow suit. The tomato cabbage can be well prepared and tastes warmed up very well. With peppers garnished serve.
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