Ham and Eggs

super easy low carb
Von: Gabriela Wärter
1 egg
50g ham
1 teaspoon of oil
1 pinch of pepper
chopped chives for garnishing
cutting board
slotted spatula
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 serving
816 kJ
902 kJ
194 kcal
215 kcal
15 g
17 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
5.2 g
5.7 g
1 g
1.1 g
davon Zucker
1 g
1.1 g
12 g
13 g
0.9 g
0.9 g

Ham and Eggs

description & times
Fried bacon with fried egg was originally served as the American breakfast. It is a solid and hearty dish, which is not only suits for breakfast.
Cutting the ham
Heat the fat in the pan, cut the ham into thin slices using a knife. You can also use pre-sliced ham. Chop the chives.
Frying the ham
Fry the pieces of ham in the fat on both sides.
Adding the egg
Pour the egg carefully into the pan and let it simmer slowly. The egg yolk should not become too solid.
Ham and Eggs
Serve the Ham and Eggs on warm plates or directly in the pan. Garnish it with chopped chives.
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