Curd Cheese "Strudel"- typical Austrian cake with puff pastry

author: Gabriela Wärter
1 pack of puff pastry
2 eggs
100g icing sugar
70g butter
500g curd cheese
1 small package vanilla sugar
1 small package custard powder
1 tablespoon of raisins
1 tablespoon of rum
icing sugar
baking sheet
mixing bowl
nutritional information
893 kJ
1027 kJ
213 kcal
245 kcal
11 g
12 g
6.7 g
7.8 g
17 g
20 g
14 g
16 g
9.4 g
10 g
0.2 g
0.2 g

Curd Cheese "Strudel"- typical Austrian cake with puff pastry

description & times
Austria is the land of a special cake; we call them "strudel". There are a variety of fillings that have one thing in common: a delicate, crispy shell. If I'm in a hurry, I fill the curds into ready-made puff pastry from the refrigerated shelf. In less than an hour I have such a wonderful pastry that is juicy and tastes good. And vanilla sauce is a must. You can serve the strudel as a dessert, with a coffee snack or as a sweet main course. It stays juicy for a few days and can also be easily prepared in advance and frozen.
hit the egg white
Heat the oven to 180°C. Soak the raisins in a spoonful of rum. Separate the eggs, put the egg white in a bowl and hit the cream with the broom
Stir egg yolk, sugar and topping
Stir the egg whites and sugar with the whipped cream, stir the soft butter, then stir the topfen with the egg
mx it with the egg white cream
Stir the raisins, the vanilla sugar and the pudding powder in the filling.
fill the cake
Place the puff pastry on top using the paper in which the puff pastry is wrapped. Apply the filling to one third.
roll up the puff pastry cake
Roll up the curd strudel, prick the top with a fork and place it on the baking tray.
bake the strudel until golden brown
Bake the strudel on the middle rack in the oven for about 45 minutes. If it browns too quickly, cover it with a piece of baking paper. The strudel should be nice and crispy and golden brown.
Curd Cheese strudel - typical Austrian cake with puff pastry
Cut the curd strudel into eight pieces and sprinkle it with powdered sugar. You can serve it warm immediately.
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