curd cheese pastry made from puff pastry

super easy
Von: Gabriela Wärter
1 pack of puff pastry
250g curd cheese
1 egg
80g crystal sugar
1 tablespoon of custard powder
1 small package vanilla sugar
icing sugar for garnish
baking sheet
pastry wheel
fine strainer
nutritional information
1 piece
883 kJ
743 kJ
211 kcal
177 kcal
7.6 g
6.4 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
4.5 g
3.7 g
26 g
21 g
davon Zucker
18 g
15 g
8.9 g
7.5 g
0.3 g
0.2 g

curd cheese pastry made from puff pastry

description & times
curd cheese pastry made from puff pastry are quick and easy to bake. They are made from ready-made puff pastry, filled with a sweet quark mixture and then baked until crispy in the oven.
prepare the filling
Heat the oven to 180 ° C. Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper. Put the curd cheese in a bowl, break the egg, put a spoonful of egg white aside. Mix the curd cheese, egg, vanilla sugar, sugar and custard powder until smooth.
cut sqares
Cut the puff pastry with the pastry weel in six sqares.
fill it
Fill the sqares with the curd cheese filling.
fold the pastry
Fold one corner of each square towards the middle. Brush with egg white with a brush and place a piece of dough on top. This is how the pastry is fixed.
bake the pastry
Place the pastry on the prepared baking sheet and bake in the oven on the middle rack at 180 ° convection until golden yellow.
curd cheese pastry made from puff pastry
Bovore serving sprinkle the curd cheese pastry with icing sugar
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