Stuffed wild Garlic Roast

hard low carb
Von: Gabriela Wärter
800g pork rectangle
1 bunch wild garlic
1 tablespoon of mustard
40g cream cheese
100g ham
50g lard
300ml soup oder Wasser
1 tablespoon of gestrichener salt
1 teaspoon pepper
cutting board
frying pan
meat tenderizer
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 serving
732 kJ
1604 kJ
175 kcal
383 kcal
10 g
23 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
4.1 g
9 g
0.6 g
1.4 g
davon Zucker
0.4 g
0.9 g
19 g
42 g
1.1 g
2.4 g

Stuffed wild Garlic Roast

description & times
Pork roast is suitable for many festive occasions. This neck roast is filled with ham, cream cheese, and ramson, tightly rolled, and then roasted in the oven. This keeps the meat juicy and imparts a delicate ramson flavor. You can also prepare the roast wonderfully in advance. It can simply be reheated, giving you much more time for your guests.
Slicing the Meat
Preheat the oven to 200°C on convection mode. Wash the ramson and pat it dry. Wash the pork meat and pat it dry as well. With a sharp knife, make two cuts to unfold it.
Pounding the Meat
Cover the meat with foil and gently pound it with the smooth side of a meat mallet to flatten it, ensuring the meat is evenly thick.
Rolling the Roast
Season the meat with half of the salt and pepper, then spread mustard and cream cheese over it. Distribute two-thirds of the ramson on top, then lay the ham on it. Roll the roast tightly.
Darauf achten, dass man das Fleisch mit der Faser einrollt, sonst kann man den fertigen Braten nicht richtig aufschneiden-.
secure the roast
secure the roast tightly with kitchen twine
Sear the Roast on All Sides
Heat lard in a pan and slowly sear the roast on all sides, seasoning the outside with salt and pepper. Transfer the meat to the roasting pan, deglaze the pan with broth or water, and pour it into the roasting pan.
Baste the Roast
Roast the meat on the middle rack for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to 180°C. Continuously turn the meat in its juices and baste it several times with pan juices.
Slicing the Meat
Cut the remaining ramson into slices and roughly chop it. Remove the roast from the oven and let it rest for five minutes. Remove the kitchen twine and slice it.
Rolled Ramson Roast
Add the ramson to the pan juices. Serve the rolled ramson roast hot with the juices. This dish pairs well with steamed rice or dumplings.
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