Amarena cherry jam

easy low fat
Von: Gabriela Wärter
3 Gläser à 300 ML
900g entkernte Kirschen
500g gelling sugar 2:1
100g Amaretto
20g citric acid
1 small package vanilla sugar
wooden spoon
nutritional information
1 glass
726 kJ
3701 kJ
173 kcal
883 kcal
0.1 g
0.9 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0 g
0.2 g
40 g
207 g
davon Zucker
39 g
202 g
0.5 g
2.7 g
0 g
0 g

Amarena cherry jam

description & times
The combination of almond liqueur and cherries is known from Italian amarena cherries. This wonderful jam with pieces of fruit is made from ripe heart cherries. This particularly delicious jam tastes good as a filling for cakes, tarts or biscuits. The glasses, nicely labeled and packaged, are always a welcomed gift for many occasions.
Puree the cherries
Put the dispersed cherries in a bowl and puree them briefly using a hand blender. There should still be pieces of fruit in the mass.
Adding gelling sugar
Mix gelling sugar, vanilla sugar, citric acid, liqueur and almond flavor with the cherries. Put the mixture in a saucepan and slowly bring it to a boil on the stove. Stir well permanently so that the mixture won't burn.
Closing the jars
Let the jam simmer gently for about five minutes. While it's still hot, the jam needs to be poured into the prepared and sterilized jars. Close tightly with a lid, turn them over and allow them to cool. A vacuum is created inside the glass, which makes the cherry jam long-lasting.
Amarena cherry jam
Label the jam jars and store them in a cool, dark and dry place.
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