Stuffed Roasted Chicken

hard low carb
Von: Gabriela Wärter
1 chicken to fry
1 tablespoon of salt
1 tablespoon of pepper spice powder
2 pinches of pepper powder
1 tablespoon of oil
250ml soup or water
1 roll from the day before
2 carrots
1 red sweet pepper
1 onion
2 tablespoons of butter
1 coffeespoon of salt
2 pinches pepper powder
1 pinch nutmeg
1 bunch parsley
cutting board
wooden spoon
pan with handle
vegetable knife
vegetable peeler
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 serving
455 kJ
1857 kJ
108 kcal
443 kcal
5.6 g
23 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
1.7 g
7.2 g
4.7 g
19 g
davon Zucker
2.7 g
11 g
9.7 g
39 g
1.3 g
5.6 g

Stuffed Roasted Chicken

description & times
It requires some skill to stuff the chicken under it's skin. The meat remains extra juicy, especially the breast. Due to this method of preparation, the chicken adapts the filling's taste and the skin becomes particularly crisp. The effort is worth it! It can be filled the day before, because the recipe is suitable for preparation. A meal for parties and events such as a birthday, which will particularly delight the guests.
Cutting the roll
Cut the roll into small cubes. Peel the onion, halve and cut it and chop it finely. Wash the carrots, peel and cut them into fine strips. Wash the red peppers, halve them, remove the kernels and cut them into fine strips. Wash the parsley and chop it finely.
Preparing the marinade
For the marinade, mix the oil and the spices and add a spoonful of water.
Roasting the onion
Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the onion until it's golden-yellow.
Roasting the vegetables
Add the vegetables to the onion and let the mixture simmer briefly. Add the spices and at last the parsley.
Mixing the filling
Add the vegetables to the breadcrumbs and stir the mixture thoroughly. Let it steep for five minutes. Preheat the oven to 180 °.
Lifting the skin
Use your fingertips to carefully remove the skin from the meat. Make sure that the skin does not tear.
Stuffing the chicken
Now push the filling between the skin and the meat. Work from one leg over the chest to the other leg and then close it with toothpicks or roulade needles. Paint the chicken all over with the marinade and put it into a roasting pan. Fill up with soup or water. Bake in the oven for 60 minutes on the medium rail. Reduce the temperature to 150 ° in the half of the cooking time or otherwise the chicken may get burnt. From time to time, pour it all over with it's own sauce.
Stuffed Roasted Chicken
Remove the done chicken from the ofen, cut it in halves and quarter them. Serve it on a hot plate with it's own sauce.
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