Strawberry puff pastry heart

super easy
Von: Gabriela Wärter
270g puff pastry
100g strawberries
30g cream
2 tablespoons of custard powder
1 tablespoon of honey
40g strawberry jam
baking sheet
pastry wheel
vegetable knife
nutritional information
1 piece
1275 kJ
999 kJ
304 kcal
238 kcal
19 g
15 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
12 g
9.9 g
28 g
22 g
davon Zucker
8.6 g
6.7 g
2.7 g
2.1 g
0.7 g
0.5 g

Strawberry puff pastry heart

description & times
These puff pastry hearts are very easy to bake. They are filled with pieces of strawberry, honey and some sour cream and then shaped into hearts. They are baked after 20 minutes in the oven. Boiled strawberry jam gives them their special shine. The hearts taste good on Mother's Day, on Valentine's Day or on any occasion where you want to say, I especially like you.
cut the strawberries
Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, heat the oven to 180 ° C. Wash the strawberries, cut the fruit into small pieces.
prepare filling
Mix the cream, strawberries, honey and pudding powder in a bowl.
cut squares
Cut the puff pastry into six squares
fill it
Fill the squares.
Fold the puff pastry
Fold the puff patry on both sides.
Fold the strips together
Fold the pastry stripes together.
cut the pastry
Cut the pastry with the sissers.
form the heart
Form hearts. Bake in the middle of the oven until golden brown. Take out of the oven and let cool down a bit.
brush with jam
Boil the jam and thinly coat the hearts with it.
Strawberry puff pastry heart
The strawberry puff pastry hearts taste particularly good as a fine dessert, for breakfast or for a coffee break.
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