Vegan salad with lentils, eggplant and feta

super easy rich on vit. E
author: Gabriela Wärter
50g red lentils
70g eggplants
70g baby tomatoes
50g onions
2 cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
3 sheets basil leaves
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
4 tablespoons of 1-2-3- marinade
1 pinch thyme
1 tablespoon of herbs nach Geschmack
cutting board
wooden spoon
nutritional information
1 serving
436 kJ
2006 kJ
104 kcal
479 kcal
4.7 g
21 g
0.6 g
2.8 g
8.1 g
37 g
2 g
9.4 g
7 g
32 g
0 g
0.3 g

Vegan salad with lentils, eggplant and feta

description & times
Vegan and delicious, quick and easy to make, it all goes well with this salad recipe. The components are prepared individually and then layered in a glass. So you can easily enjoy it on the go or in the office. It also fits as a starter or as a fine main course.
prepare the lentils
Soak the split lenses in lukewarm water for thirty minutes, just cover them. Heat everything slowly, add two tablespoons of marinade, thyme, and cook the lentils until soft. Strain canned lentils and mix with the cooked split lentils.
cut the feta
Peel and chop the onion and garlic. Cut the feta into cubes, season with salt and pepper, fry everything in the pan until the onion is golden brown.
cut eggplant
Cut the eggplant into cubes. Chop the onion and garlic, season the aubergine with salt and pepper.
fry the eggplant
Fry the eggplant with the onion and garlic in the pan. Deglaze with one spoon of the marinade.
cut basil
Fill the lentil salad into the glass, cut the tomatoes into wedges, spread them over the lentils, chop the basil and sprinkle over the tomatoes.
fill the salad in the glass
Add the fried eggplant and at last the fried tofu to the salad. Garnish with herbes.
Vegan salad with lentils, eggplant and feta
The vegan salad can be served warm or out of the fridge.
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