The chopped pumpkin added to in the lard lend this spread a slightly greenish color and a pleasant bite. This recipe can also be prepared with ready-to-buy lard with greaves.
Chopping the pumpkin seeds
Coarsely chop the seeds with a large knife.
Roasting the seeds
Heat up some lard in a pan. Slowly add the chopped and grounded pumpkin seeds. Continute stirring so that the seeds won't get burnt.
Adding pumpkin seed oil
Add the remaining lard and pour in the pumpkin seed oil. Fill the lard into sterilized glasses and cover it with a lid.
Lard with greaves and pumpkin seeds
Fill the lard with greaves and pumpkin seeds into glasses and close them tightly. Let them cool so that the spread will harden again. Such a glass with this extraordinary bread spread is certainly a welcomed gift.
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