biscuit roulade Viennese style

author: Gabriela Wärter
6 eggs
100g icing sugar
50g crystal sugar
1 small package of vanilla sugar
5 drops of lemon flavour
120g flour
30g corn flour
icing sugar needed for sprinkling
mixing bowl
cake range
dough scraper
nutritional information
1 serving
1030 kJ
6855 kJ
246 kcal
1637 kcal
5.2 g
34 g
1.4 g
9.9 g
41 g
272 g
24 g
161 g
8.2 g
54 g
0.1 g
1 g

biscuit roulade Viennese style

description & times
The biscuit roulade is certainly one of the most popular desserts in Austria. This dish is prepared very quickly. It is important to bake it hot and fast, so it won't not dry out and can be furled well and easily. The classical Viennese version of it is filled with apricot jam.
Beating the egg yolks with
Cover the baking tray with baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180°. Seperate the eggs. Beat the yolks with icing and vanilla sugar until they are creamy. This mixture must be very bright due to the mixed-in air.
The biscuit dough will get fluffier the longer it is beaten. This is due to the amount of air bubbles which ultimately let the pastry raise during baking.
Adding crystal sugar
Beat the egg-white until it remains stiff. Trickle in the crystal sugar to beaten egg-white and remain beating this mixture for a few more minutes.
Adding the flour
Rotatory add flour and the stiff egg-white carefully to the yolk mixture.
Avoid furious stirring or otherwise the added air bubbles may destroyed. Because of that, the pastry will not raise during baking.
Spreading the dough
Spread the dough evenly using a dough scraper or a cake range onto the prepared baking pan.
Letting it bake
Place the tray in the oven on the middle rail. Let it bake for ten to twelve minutes until it looks golden-yellow.
The surface is meant to be elastic when touched carefully with your fingertips or otherwise the roulade will rip apart while furling up!
Letting it bolt out
Detach the cake roulade from the periphery of your baking tray and let it cool down for two minutes. Meanwhile, prepare on sheet of baking paper and cover it evenly with sugar. Then, put the bisuit dough onto it and let it bolt out for some more minutes. The part facing you will be coveres with jam. In the meantime stir the jam even - possibly mix it with a tablespoon of rum and spread it evenly onto the pastry.
Furling up your roulade
After covering all with jam, use the baking paper to roll the pastry up tighly and let it cool down wrapped in baking paper.
Place the seam downside.
The finishing
Cut it into diagonal pieces and sprinkle it again with some icing sugar.
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