
Von: Gabriela Wärter
500g QuimiQ
500g Mascarpone
200g icing sugar
1 small package vanilla sugar
250g ladyfingers
100g strawberries
250ml strawberry juice
2 tablespoons of rum
cocoa needed for sprinkling
1 Carambola (starfruit) for decoration
box-shaped baking dish
mixing bowl
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 piece
1255 kJ
1908 kJ
299 kcal
455 kcal
20 g
31 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
12 g
19 g
24 g
36 g
davon Zucker
19 g
29 g
3.6 g
5.5 g
0 g
0.1 g


description & times
This delicate tiramisu is made with strawberry pieces and strawberry juice. No egg is used in this recipe. Garnished with fruit and served like a cake, it looks very great and it's a quick and easily prepared strawberry dessert. It should be kept cold for a few hours to be cut resistant. This saves you a lot of time for festive occasions. If you want to serve it to children, just leave out the rum.
Making the cream
Put QimiQ in a bowl and stir it until it's smooth using the whisk. Add one spoonful of mascarpone and stir the mixture well. Add and incorporate the sugar and vanilla sugar.
Dipping the ladyfingers
Put the strawberry juice in a bowl and mix it with the rum. If you want to serve the Tiramisu to children, then omit the rum. Lay out a box mold with some cling film. Dip the ladyfingers briefly in the juice and place them in the mold.
Spreading the cream
Spread cream over the first layer of ladyfingers and put some strawberries in the middle. Spread another layer of dipped ladyfingers, some cream and finally again some ladyfingers over it. Keep a few spoonfuls of the cream aside and put the Tiramisu in the fridge covered with foil.
Removing and finishing
Leave the Tiramisu in the fridge for at least three hours. Drop it carefully onto a flat plate and peel off the foil. Cover it carefully with the remaining cream.
Cut the dessert into slices. Sprinkle them with cocoa, halve some strawberries and cut the starfruit into thin slices. Garnish the Tiramisu with the fruit pieces. If set up in a circle and decorated with some edible flowers, this dessert can also be served wonderfully as a cake.
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