
normal low carb
author: Gabriela Wärter
1 pack of ladyfingers
2 tablespoons of rum
250g QuimiQ
500g Mascarpone
3 tablespoons of icing sugar
1 tablespoon of crystal sugar
3 ripe pears
1 pack of pie jelly
1 coffeespoon of lemon juice
3 tablespoons of gelling sugar 2:1
125ml water
prepared, square-formed biscuit base
box-shaped baking dish
mixing bowl
dough scraper
nutritional information
1 serving
1028 kJ
1458 kJ
245 kcal
348 kcal
20 g
28 g
12 g
18 g
13 g
19 g
11 g
16 g
2.5 g
3.6 g
0 g
0 g


description & times
A variation of the Italian dessert classic Tiramisu recipe. It is made without eggs, but with juicy pear pieces. It is served chilled and fits on many occasions. A light experience for summer and very easy to prepare. Kids will love to cook this recipe after.
Stirring the cream
Stir the Qimiq smoothly using a whisk. Add the mascarpone in spoonfuls and finally pour in the sugar. Refrigerate the cream.
Cooking the pears
Peel the pears, halve them, remove the core casing and halve them again. Now cut the fruit into thin pieces. Mix them with gelling sugar and lemon juice and add an eighth-liter of water. Leave it heated on the stove for a minute. Let it cool down.
Fixing the compote
Put half of the juice aside from the compote. Dip the biscuits in this juice. Pour in the pie jelly and bring this mixture to a boil until the liquid is clear.
Covering with pears
Prepare a baking dish with plastic film. Spread onto it two thirds of the pear compote. Let the compote cool down.
Stacking cream, pears and ladyfingers
Mix the pear juice with the rum. Spread the cream all over the pears. Dip the ladyfingers briefly in the juice and lay them over the cream. Spread a layer of cream and pears over it and put the dipped ladyfingers onto the cream again. Remain covering with cream.
Letting cool
Finally, cover the Tiramisu with a layer of biscuit cake. Put it in the refrigerator. It takes at least two hours until the Tiramisu is solid. Drop it from the baking dish onto a large plate.
Now, the Pear-Tiramisu can be sliced. Serve it chilled. It can also be prepared one day before a feast.
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