Gratinated rump steak with wild garlic

author: Gabriela Wärter
200g roast joint á 180 Gramm
50g onions
30g wild garlic
20g Parmesan
20g cream cheese
20g breadcrumbs
1 clove of garlic
250ml vegetable broth or water
2 pinches salt
2 pinches pepper
1 pinch chili powder
10g flour zum Wenden
1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
wooden spoon
meat tenderizer
slotted spatula
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 serving
479 kJ
2900 kJ
114 kcal
692 kcal
5.4 g
32 g
2.6 g
16 g
4.4 g
27 g
0.8 g
5.3 g
11 g
72 g
0.3 g
2 g

Gratinated rump steak with wild garlic

description & times
This beef dish goes particularly well on festive occasions. The rump steak is coated with cheese, wild garlic and cream cheese, gratinated in the oven and served with a tasty gravy.
plate the meat
Heat the oven to 180 ° C. Peel, cut and chop the onion and garlic. Wash and finely chop the wild garlic. Plate the roast beef with the meat tenderizer, season with salt, pepper and chilli. Dip in flour on one side.
prepare the gratin mixture
Mix the grated cheese, breadcrumbs, cream cheese and wild garlic. Season with chilli, salt and pepper.
fry the meat
Heat the oil slowly and insert the roast beef with the floured side. Fry slowly on both sides. Add onion and garlic, sweat until translucent with soup or water, bring the sauce to the boil. Preheat the oven to 180 ° circulating air.
brush with gratin mixture
Brush the meat with the gratin mixture. Bake it in the oven on the middle rack.
Gratinated rump steak with wild garlic
The crust should be golden brown and crispy. The wild garlic roast is served hot immediately with the gravy. Potatoes, pasta or white bread go well with it.
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