Banana Ring Cake

author: Gabriela Wärter
100g butter
180g icing sugar
50g crystal sugar
4 eggs
300g flour
1 pack of baking soda
1 teaspoon of salt
3 bananas
1 lemon
1 tablespoon of rum
1 pack of vanilla sugar
icing sugar needed for sprinkling
kitchen scale
food processor
fine strainer
nutritional information
1 piece
1041 kJ
1206 kJ
248 kcal
288 kcal
7.9 g
9.1 g
4.3 g
5 g
38 g
44 g
22 g
25 g
4.6 g
5.3 g
0.3 g
0.3 g

Banana Ring Cake

description & times
Everybody knows the problem. Sometimtes bananas gather lots dark spots or maybe they are already partially black and nobody likes to them anymore. But for this recipe, they are perfect because they are really ripe. The banana pulp is simply worked into the cake. It intensifies it's taste and juiciness. Another big plus is, and it's perfect for use kitchen leftovers like overripe bananas. This recipe won't only taste children.
Preparing the cake pan
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Grease the cake pan with melted butter or margarine. Next, sprinkle flour all in the baking dish. Make sure to cover it all up or otherwise the dough will stick to it.
Beating the egg white
Separate the eggs. Beat the egg whites until they remain stiff. Continue beating and add the crystal sugar.
Stirring the margarine
Stir the margarine until it's fluffy. Add in the egg yolk and icing sugar rotatory. Make sure that the fat and the eggs have the same temperature, or otherwise the dough will flocculate.
Squashing the bananas
Peal and squash the bananas. Add lemon juice.
Adding the bananas
Add the bananas to the dough.
Mixing flour and baking powder
Mix the flour with the baking powder and add a pinch of salt. Then gently add in the beaten egg white to the flour.
Filling in the dough
Fill the dough evenly into the baking dish. Bake it on the medium rail of the oven at 180 ° for 45 minutes. Run the cooking test.
Use a skewer or a toothpick to pierce the cake. If no more dough sticks to it, the cake is done.
Banana Ring Cake
Put the cake in the oven and let it bake for about 45 minutes. Take the baking dish out of the oven and leave it to cool. Now loosen the cake from the cake pan by using a cake range or a knife and overturn the cake onto a plate. Sprinkle icing sugar on top of the cake as long as it's still hot. This ring cake will definitely be everybodys favourite at tea time and it will stay juicy for a couple of days and won't lose it's tasty flavour.
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