Scrambled eggs Viennese style

easy low carb
author: Gabriela Wärter
Bitte eine Überschrift eingeben
1 pinch of salt
2 big eggs
1 pinch of pepper
chives used for garnishing
50g butter
meat fork
dough scraper
nutritional information
1 serving
1313 kJ
2237 kJ
313 kcal
534 kcal
30 g
52 g
17 g
30 g
1.2 g
2.1 g
1.2 g
2.1 g
8.5 g
14 g
0.3 g
0.6 g

Scrambled eggs Viennese style

description & times
Scrambled eggs is a fast prepareddish. For cooking beginners, it is a must. The egg is beaten and left to stand in hot butter during gentle stirring. The Viennese cuisine differentiates the so called "Eierspeise" and scrambled eggs. The "Eierspeise" is fried with the spices only. When you are preparing scrambled eggs, a spoonful of a whipped cream is added. The consistency should still be creamy soft, otherwise the egg is too dry and does not taste.
Stirring the eggs
Beat the eggs, season with salt and pepper and mix them with a fork.
Puring the eggs into a pan
Heat butter in a pan. It is not supposed to turn brown. When it foams, pour the egg-mixture into the pan.
Letting harden
Carefully remove the egg from the edge and stir gently. It should be heated slowly. Avoid frying! The consistency should be creamy, otherwise it is too dry and does won't taste s good.
Scrambled eggs Viennese style
Garnish the dish with chopped chives and vegetables and serve it either directly in the hot pan or on a warm plate.
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