Potatoe croquettes

Von: Gabriela Wärter
150g potatoes
2 eggs
50g butter
80g flour
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of pepper
1 tablespoon of milk
flour needed for coating
breadcrumbs needed for coating
oil needed for deep-frying
potato masher
slotted spatula
nutritional information
1 serving
944 kJ
3877 kJ
225 kcal
925 kcal
13 g
53 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
7.4 g
30 g
20 g
84 g
davon Zucker
1 g
4.3 g
6.3 g
25 g
0.1 g
0.4 g

Potatoe croquettes

description & times
Croquettes are usually known only as a finished product that is deep-fried or baked in the oven. But they are also easy to make and freshly prepared, they taste great! You can shape them in advance as well as coating them in panade and then, they can be served freshly fried.
Preparing the potatoe-mixture
Peel the potatoes, cut them into small sizes and cook them in the saucepan whilst using a steamer. Mash the potatoes and quickly add butter, eggs and flour to create a smooth dough.
Distributing the dough
Heat fat in a pan. Form the dough into a roll and cut it into even pieces.
Coathing with breadcrumbs
Pour the egg into a plate. Add salt, pepper and mix it with the milk. Turn the croquettes into flour, pull them through the egg-mixture and coat them in the breadcrumbs.
Put the croquettes in the hot fat and fry until they are golden-brown.
Letting them drip
Remove the croquettes from the fat and let them drain well on kitchen crepe.
Potatoe croquettes
The croquettes are suitable for poultry, goose or duck and as well as venison.
Mehr zu "Roasted duck with oranges"
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