Orange marmalade

super easy low fat
Von: Gabriela Wärter
150g crystal sugar
15g gelling sugar for diabetics 1:3
750g oranges
gelling test
1 tablespoon of freshly prepared jam
cutting board
wooden spoon
citrus press
sharp vegetable knife
nutritional information
1 glass
450 kJ
2085 kJ
107 kcal
498 kcal
0.1 g
0.7 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0 g
0.1 g
24 g
113 g
davon Zucker
24 g
113 g
0.8 g
3.8 g
0 g
0 g

Orange marmalade

description & times
This orange marmalade is sweet and delightful bitter at the same time. The outer skin of the orange is peeled very thin and cut finely. These zests are added and cooked in the orange juice, because that will provide the jam the right taste. Only the juice would taste boring as a jam. It is very important that you only use untreated oranges. Therefore, you'll make sure you won't take any toxins. It tastes great for breakfast or is a wonderful filling for biscuits and pies.
Cutting into thin zests
Carefully peel two oranges using a sharp vegetable knife. It should be peeled off only the orange skin of the fruit if possible. Then cut these pieces into very thin strips, so-called zests.
Squeezing out the juice
Halve the oranges and use the juicer to squeeze out the fruit juice.
Adding sugar and gelling sugar
Weigh the juice and the zests and add the gelling sugar according to the weight. For 500 grams of fruit juice, I take 150 grams of sugar, so that the jam won't turn out too sweet.
Mehr Informationen zu "gelling test"
Orange marmalade
Cook the orange marmalade for about ten minutes. Make the gelling test and fill the jam into prepared, sterilized twist-off jars. Close the glasses and let them cool with the lid down. This jam should be processed quickly.
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