
easy low carb
Von: Gabriela Wärter
210g flour
140g butter or margarine
20g vanilla sugar
50g crystal sugar
1 pinch of salt
1 egg
80g red currant jam
200g mixed nuts
40g butter
20g honey
100ml milk
1 small package vanilla sugar
2 pinches grounded cinnamon
100g couverture chocolate
20g coconut oil/coconut fat
baking sheet
wooden spoon
rolling pin
cake range
dough scraper
nutritional information
1 piece
1810 kJ
306 kJ
432 kcal
73 kcal
27 g
4.6 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
13 g
2.2 g
36 g
6.1 g
davon Zucker
20 g
3.4 g
10 g
1.7 g
0 g
0 g


description & times
These nutnooks are a practical recipe for nut remains, which may occur during baking christmas cookies. I usually mix walnuts and hazelnuts, but if there are almonds left, I usethem too. The nut mass is spread on pre-baked shortcrust pastry, baked and then cut into corners whilst they are still hot. A very simple and fast biscuit recipe.
Rolling out the pastry
Quickly make a smooth shortcrust pastry out of the ingredients for the dough and refrigerate it on a floured plate in the fridge. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper and preheat the oven to 160 ° C. Put the dough on baking paper and roll it out four millimeters thick usingthe rolling pin. Pierce the dough with a fork and bake it in the oven for about eight minutes.
Mehr zu "Shortcrust dough basic recipe"
Cooking the topping
Heat the milk. Add the butter, rum, vanilla sugar and honey. Finally, pour in the nuts and stir gently with a wooden spoon. The mass should be thick and spreadable. If it is it too thin, you need to add nuts to it.
Brushing with currant jam
Stir the jam until it's smooth and spread it on the prepared dough plate.
Adding the nut mass
Pour the nut mass on the dough plate and spread it evenly using a pallet. Dip the pallet in water again and again so that the filling can be distributed better.
Cutting into squares
Bake the cookies on the medium rack in the oven for about 25 minutes. Check again and again, the mass should not burn. Take the baking tray out of the oven and cut the dough squares while it's still hot using a knife or a pizza wheel. Always immerse the cutting tool in water.
Verwenden Sie die Tortenpalette als Maß, sie ist 3,5 Zentimeter breit.
Cutting into triangles
If you cut the squares diagonally now, you'll get evenly sized triangles.
Dipping the nutnooks
Melt the chocolate couverture and the coconut oil. Sit the mixture with a spoon always carefully at the edge of the bowl. This needs to be done, because no air should be incorporated into the icing. It's perfect when the glaze completely covers a spoon back. Dip the corners into the icing and let them dry on a glazing grid.
Put the nutnooks into a cookie jar. They will be preserved for about six weeks.
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