Apple pumpkin jam

easy low fat
author: Gabriela Wärter
600g apples
½ tablespoon of cinnamon
1 clove
1 lemon
500g gelling sugar 2:1
vegetable knife
vegetable peeler
nutritional information
1 glass
655 kJ
2674 kJ
156 kcal
638 kcal
0.1 g
0.4 g
0 g
0.1 g
37 g
152 g
36 g
150 g
0.4 g
1.8 g
0 g
0 g

Apple pumpkin jam

description & times
Apple jam tastes very good, but unfortunately it is not so visually attractive, the addition of pumpkin turns its color orange and is much more appealing. Cinnamon and clove give it a warm Christmas flavor. Bottled in jars and tightly closed, it will last at least a year. It tastes great as a spread, as a filling for tarts or cakes and is also a nice gift for many occasions.
Cut apple and pumpkin
Peel the apples and pumpkin, cut them into rough pieces, bring them to the boil in a pot with the spices, lemon juice and a little water.
Mash with a fork
Cook the fruit until soft, remove from the heat and mash with a fork. If you want the jam to be completely smooth, you can also mix it with a hand blender.
Add preserving sugar
Weigh out the fruit puree and add the preserving sugar in the appropriate proportions.
Cook jam
Bring the jam to the boil and simmer at a low temperature for about four minutes. Do the gelling test.
Pour into glasses
The jam is immediately poured hot into sterilized jars and tightly closed with a lid.
Apple pumpkin jam
After cooling, a vacuum is created in the jar, so the jam will keep for at least a year if stored in a cool, dry and dark place.
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