Asparagus ragout

easy low carb
author: Gabriela Wärter
200g green or white asparagus
1 coffeespoon of vinegar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 pinch of pepper
1 teaspoon of sugar
125ml water needed for cooking
40g onions
30g butter
2 tablespoons of white wine
40g cream cheese
1 tablespoon of fresh or dried parsley
cutting board
wooden spoon
vegetable peeler
fine strainer
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 serving
387 kJ
1840 kJ
92 kcal
439 kcal
7.9 g
38 g
5 g
24 g
2.5 g
12 g
2.4 g
11 g
2 g
9.6 g
0.8 g
3.8 g

Asparagus ragout

description & times
Ragout made of green and white asparagus is a wonderful spring treat. The cooked asparagus spears are cut into pieces and served in cream cheese-sauce with fresh parsley. The asparagus tips are used for decoration. This dish fits as a vegetarian starter or main course or as a side dish which goes well with fish or meat.

preperation time: 30min

  • 5min


  • 10min


  • 15min


step by step
Washing and peeling the asparagus
Wash the asparagus and peel it using the peeler. Peel the onion, cut and chop it finely. Pluck the parsley and chop it roughly.
more info about "Peeling asparagus"
Cutting the asparagus
Cut the asparagus into two fingers thick pieces.
Melting the cream cheese
Sauté the onion in butter until it's golden-yellow. Deglaze it with white wine and bring it to a boil. Add the cream cheese and let it melt.
Adding asparagus-pieces
Strain the asparagus and place the tips aside for decoration. Add the asparagus and some cooking water to the sauce and stir gently. Season it with salt and pepper.
Asparagus ragout
Serve the asparagus ragout sprinkled with chopped parsley.
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