Orange compote

normal low fat
Von: Gabriela Wärter
1kg orange
100g honey
1 small package vanilla sugar
1 lemon
400ml water
1 BIO orange mit unbehandelter Schale
vegetable peeler
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 glass
204 kJ
1213 kJ
48 kcal
289 kcal
0.1 g
1 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0 g
0.1 g
10 g
59 g
davon Zucker
9.9 g
59 g
0.7 g
4.2 g
0 g
0 g

Orange compote

description & times
"What do you do when you have more oranges at home than you can quickly eat? A perfect way to sustainably utilize them is by cooking them into compote and preserving them in jars. This extends the shelf life of the fruits. The aroma of orange compote immediately makes you want to taste it. With cheap fruits, you can save money and properly utilize the contents with great flavor. In this recipe, the segmented oranges are cooked in a honey syrup, filled into jars, and sterilized in a water bath. When stored cool and dry, they can last for up to a year."
cut orange fillets
Wash the organic orange thoroughly, peel the zest thinly, and slice it into fine strips. Juice both the orange and the lemon. Peel the oranges and use a knife cut orange fillets
Mehr Informationen zu "Filleting oranges"
prepare the syrup
Add water, honey, vanilla sugar, orange juice, lemon juice, and orange zest strips in a pot. Bring to a boil and let it simmer gently for fifteen minutes.
cook orange fillets
Add the orange segments to the syrup, bring to a boil, and let it steep for five minutes. Ensure the orange pieces do not overcook and maintain their texture
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fill it in the jars
Fill the hot compote into prepared sterilized jars. Ensure the fruit is covered with syrup. Wipe the rim clean and seal tightly with a lid
sterilize the jars
Place the jars in a pot filled with hot water. Ensure the water reaches just below the lid rim. Bring to a boil and sterilize in boiling water for thirty minutes.
Orange compote
After cooling down, a vacuum will form in the compote jars, making the contents last for at least six months when stored dark, cool and dry.
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