Potato salad

Von: Gabriela Wärter
600g potatoes
1 onion
1 coffeespoon salt
1 pinch pepper
1 tablespoon of vinegar
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of salt
1 teaspoon pepper
70ml vinegar
250ml vegetable broth
3 tablespoons of oil
cutting board
wooden spoon
measuring cup
vegetable knife
nutritional information
1 serving
334 kJ
858 kJ
79 kcal
205 kcal
2.9 g
7.5 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0.4 g
1 g
11 g
29 g
davon Zucker
2.7 g
6.9 g
1.2 g
3.1 g
1.2 g
3.2 g

Potato salad

description & times
Potatoes can be prepared in many different ways to make a variety of side dishes. The best known side dish is the traditional potato salad.
Wash the potatoes
Wash the potatoes thoroughly
Peal the potatoes
Bring the water to boil Season the water with a tablespoon of salt, a pinch of vinegar and a pinch of pepper Cook the potatoes until soft Hint: pierce the potatoes and if they slip off the fork easily, the potatoes should be ready Drain the water Peal the potatoes when still hot
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Taste the marinade
Prepare the marinade If you should be using stock, it must heated Mix all ingredients Stir until the salt and sugar have dissolved Hint: the marinade must be seasoned well, because potatoes do not have much flavour but they have the capability of absorbing flavours
Cut the potatoes
Cut the cooled potatoes into equal pieces. Peal the onion and chop finely. Put the potatoes into the marinade.
Add the onion
Add the chopped onion to the salad and mix well Tipp: leave the salad to settle and stir occasionally, so that its consistency can harden. The salad should not be served cold, otherwise it looses its taste.
Potato salad
Now you can serve the potato salad
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