Mother's Day cake

very hard
Von: Gabriela Wärter
6 eggs
100g margarine
50g crystal sugar
100g icing sugar
150g flour
1 pack of baking soda
1 pack of vanilla sugar
1 pinch of salt
125g QimiQ
125g yoghurt
125ml whipped cream
500g strawberries
2 packs of pie jelly
baking frame
baking sheet
mixing bowl
food processor
nutritional information
1 piece
803 kJ
1132 kJ
191 kcal
270 kcal
10 g
14 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
4.4 g
6.2 g
20 g
28 g
davon Zucker
13 g
19 g
4.3 g
6.1 g
0.1 g
0.1 g

Mother's Day cake

description & times
This heart-shaped strawberry cake is perfect for Mother's Day or other celebratory occasions. It has a filling of yoghurt, which has to be cooled for several hours to become firm.
Baking paper and heart shape
Preheat the oven to 180°C. Cover a baking tray with baking paper and put the heart shape onto it.
Beating the egg whites
Separate the eggs. Beat the egg white to snow. Beat snow thoroughly with the granulated sugar, which gives the snow a more beautiful pore formation
Beating the margarine
Stir the margarine until it's foamy. Alternately, add a yolk and some icing sugar. Do not admit all the egg yolks at once, otherwise the mass will flocculate.
Adding the flour
Mix the baking powder and the salt with the flour. Alternately add some flour and a little egg whites under the mass until everything is processed.
Spreading the dough
Distribute the mixture evenly in the mold and put it the oven for 30 minutes. Remove the cake from the tin, loosen it from the baking paper and allow it to cool.
Dividing the cake
Slice up the mother's day heart in the middle. For the cream, stir QimiQ until it's smooth using a mixer. Add yogurt and whipped cream.
Spreading the cream
Put the heart shape around the cake bottom again and spread two thirds of the cold cream onto it.
Putting together
Put the upper part on it.
Adding the strawberries
Spread the remaining cream on the cake and refrigerate it for two hours. Wash the strawberries and pat them dry carefully. Remove the fruit stems. Halve the strawberries and placethem on the cream.
Preparing the jelly
Prepare the cake jelly according to the instructions on the package, remove it from the heat and leave it to cool. Keep stirring.
Letting cool
Spread the jelly over the fruit using a spoon and refrigerate the cake. Carefully loosen the heart shape with a knife and lift it off. Pass the edge.
Garnishing the cake
Knead the marzipan and roll it out on a surface sprinkled with icing sugar. Cut a strip and roll it up at the edges. Melt a rib of couverture, fill the chocolate into a cone and label the marzipan.
Mother's Day cake
Keep the cake cold until serving. It can be prepared well the day before.
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