Pork tenderloin with bacon and asparagus

Pork tenderloin with bacon and asparagus

easy low carb
Von: Gabriela Wärter
200g pork filet
100g Grüner Spargel
80g Hamburgerspeck
1EL sunflower oil
1EL Frischkäse
1Prise Salz
1Msp. Pfeffer
200ml Wasser
1Prise Kristallzucker
Schneebesen oder -rute
Pfannen-, Bratenwender oder Küchenfreund
1 Portion
588 kJ
3587 kJ
140 kcal
857 kcal
11 g
69 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
4.5 g
27 g
0.9 g
5.2 g
davon Zucker
0.8 g
5.2 g
8.9 g
54 g
0.7 g
4.0 g

Pork tenderloin with bacon and asparagus

A fine dish that can be served very quickly, without much effort? There is no, but yes. The tender pork fillet with asparagus is ready to cook as quickly as rice needs to be steamed. Asparagus is placed in the meat, then it is wrapped with strips of bacon and fried in the pan. This recipe is ready to serve in less than thirty minutes.
plate the mead
plate the mead
Heat the water with the spices in a pot. Peel the asparagus, cut off the ends boil them in the water for 10 Minutes. Cut the meat into slices and plate them with the back of a knife.
wrap with bacon
wrap with bacon
Place two peces of asparagus on the meat, fold in and wrap tightly with bacon.
deglaze with asparagus stock
deglaze with asparagus stock
Heat the oven to 200 ° C. Heat the oil in the pan and slowly fry the meat until golden brown on all sides. Place the remaining pieces of asparagus in the pan and deglaze with asparagus stock. Fry in the oven for ten minutes on the top rack.
Refine the sauce
Refine the sauce
Stir the cream cheese into the sauce with the whisk
Pork tenderloin with bacon and asparagus
Pork tenderloin with bacon and asparagus
Serve the pork tenderloin with the sauce.
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