Instructions for the prepartion of breaded Chicken escalope. Here you also obtain a big deal of additional information concerning suitable side dishes and beverages that go perfectly along with this dish.
whisk eggs
break eggs
whish eggs with milk, a dash of salt and a dash of pepper
cut meat in escalopes
wash chicken breast
dab dryly with kitchen paper
cut meat in escalopes
carefully soften up meat
Put freezing bag on meat
Carefully soften up meat with meat leg
Advice: Do not knock too vigorously so that fibers do not get damaged.
dredge meat in flour
put approx. two finger thick wide oil in big pot and heat it up
season escalopes with salt and pepper
now dredge meat in flour
put meat in eggs
subsequently put meat in egg/milk mixture
moisten meat completely
moisten meat whilst turing completely in egg/milk mixture
put meat in breadcrumbs
finally add breadcrumbs
consolidate breadcrumbs
consolidate breadcrumbs properly so that they do not detach whilst frying
check temperature of oil
spread some breadcrumbs to see if oil is hot enough
Adice: If there are small bubbles around breadcrumbs, oil has right temperature.
put escalopes in hot oil
put chicken escalopes in hot oil
let escalopes drop off
let chicken escalopes drop off
put escalopes on kitchen paper
put kitchen paper on plate
let escalopes fried golden yellow drop off
afterwards serve hot
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