Heart-shaped toast with fried egg

super easy low carb
Von: Gabriela Wärter
1 slice of toast
2 eggs
20g bacon
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of pepper
1 pinch grated Grana Padano
chives needed for garnishing
cutting board
cookie cutters
slotted spatula
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 serving
988 kJ
1684 kJ
236 kcal
402 kcal
17 g
30 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
6.9 g
11 g
9.5 g
16 g
davon Zucker
1.7 g
3 g
10 g
17 g
0.4 g
0.8 g

Heart-shaped toast with fried egg

description & times
This type of french toast is prepared with a heart in the middle. It is breakfast with a lot of feeling. It fits Valentine's Day or as a romantic sunday breakfast and it is so easily prepareed, that children can serve it to their Moms on Mother's Day. This heart toast simply conveys the message: "love goes through the stomach".
Cutting out a heart
Put the toast on an even and clean surface and cut out the shape with a suitable heart cookie cutter. If the cookie cutter is too big, the bread will break; if it is too small, there won't be enough space for the egg later on.
Adding the toast
Melt the butter in a pan. Open the egg, put in the slices of bread and turn in it. Also insert the cut-out hearts.
Placing the egg
Place the toast bread slices in the pan and let an egg slide into the heart opening. Slowly let the egg boil hard. Loosen again and again carefully the bread with a spatula from the pan bottom. Cover it with a lid, so the egg will harden better. Cut the bacon into fine cubes and sprinkle it on the hearts.
Turning the toast
Carefully turn the bread slices with the help of a spatula and fry it also on the second side.
Heart-shaped toast with fried egg
Garnish a plate of tomatoes (not essential) and chives, lift the heart-shaped toast with the fried egg from the pan, sprinkle it with grated cheese and serve it your loved ones.
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