Geese breast with gingerbread filling

author: Gabriela Wärter
800g geese breast
30g apples
60g unglazed gingerbread
10g raisins
1 egg
1 tablespoon of port
4cl orange juice
2cl lemon juice
1 coffeespoon of salt
2 pinches of pepper
1 pinch of chili powder
250ml vegetable broth oder Wasser
125ml red wine
frying pan
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 serving
901 kJ
6348 kJ
215 kcal
1515 kcal
17 g
120 g
4.7 g
33 g
3.6 g
25 g
2.5 g
18 g
10 g
75 g
0.3 g
2.4 g

Geese breast with gingerbread filling

description & times
The roasted goose breast surprises with a filling made of gingerbread and apple underneath it's skin. It is fried in red wine and orange juice. The breast remains tender and juicy because of the filling wchich also provides a special taste.
Preparing the filling
Preheat the oven to 180 ° circulating air. Crumble the gingerbread, wash the apple and roughly tear it to the gingerbread. Beat the egg and add it to the mixture together with the raisins. Season the filling with salt, pepper and chili powder and stir until it's smooth adding the port. If you don't have any port, use red wine or blackcurrant juice instead.
Rinse the goose breast under running water, pat dry with kitchen paper, add salt and pepper and carefully run your fingers under the skin. You need to set up a pocket over the breastbone, but don't peel off the skin at the edges. Put the filling in there and fix it with a toothpick.
Roasting the breast
Put the goose breast in a frying pan. Pour soup and red wine over it and roast it in the oven. Douse the goose with gravy again and again using a ladle. Remove the breast from the tube at the end of the roasting time and remove it from it's bone. Season the gravy with orange and lemon juice.
Geese breast with gingerbread filling
Slice the breast with gingerbread filling and serve it on hot plates napped in it's gravy. It goes well with dumplings or croquettes.
more about "Napkin dumplings"
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