Canapés with salami rose

Von: Gabriela Wärter
4 slices of baguette
40g cream cheese
150g salami
2 sheets of green salad
1 tomato
50g mayonnaise
cutting board
small serrated knife
bread knife
brushing knife small and round
nutritional information
1 piece
1173 kJ
1665 kJ
280 kcal
397 kcal
20 g
29 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
8.4 g
11 g
15 g
21 g
davon Zucker
3.8 g
5.4 g
8.6 g
12 g
1.8 g
2.6 g

Canapés with salami rose

description & times
Juicy canapé with a salami rose as a garnish. A meaty variety option for the party buffet, as a starter or as a nice gift for nearly any occasion.
Cutting the baguette
Cut the baguette into slices thick as a finger using the bread knife and spread them with cream cheese.
Preparing the ingredients
Cut salami up halfway. Wash the salad, remove the ribs and pluck it. Wash and slice the cocktail tomatoes.
Shaping salami cones
Form small cones carefully out of the salami slices.
Placing the cones
Now place the cones in a circle on the slice and press the tip as well as possible.
Closing the rosette
Close the rosette completely. If the last funnel does not stick so well, put a speck of cream cheese or mayonnaise in the gap first.
Canapés with salami rose
Garnish the rolls with tomato slices and, if necessary, glaze them over with pie jelly dissolved in marinade.
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