Canapés with egg spread

super easy low carb
Von: Gabriela Wärter
1 mini baguette
4 tablespoons of egg spread
3 baby tomatoes
2 tablespoons of cottage cheese
Rucola or another salad salad
1 bunch of chives
cutting board
small serrated knife
bread knife
sharp vegetable knife
brushing knife small and round
nutritional information
1 piece
471 kJ
395 kJ
112 kcal
94 kcal
6.1 g
5.1 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0.8 g
0.7 g
9.7 g
8.1 g
davon Zucker
2.4 g
2 g
4.3 g
3.6 g
0.1 g
0.1 g

Canapés with egg spread

description & times
Little egg cream baguettes with a tomato butterfly as a garnish. It's not only a delicious and simple vegetarian recipe, but also a happy eye-catcher on each and every party. This recipe is very suitable for beginners and children.
Cutting the baguette
Cut the baguette into finger-thick slices using the bread knife.
Adding the egg spread
Cover the slices thickly with egg spread and decorate with rucola or another salad. Give each a teaspoon of cottage cheese.
Preparing the butterflies
Cut the tomatoes into six parts. Use the sharp vegetable knife to peel off the tomato's skin thinly from the tomato on both sides and bend it slightly.
Don't peel all of the tomato.
Draping the butterflies
Drape the halves of tomatoes on the slices so that they look like butterflies. Sprinkle them with finely chopped chives.
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