Crispy baquette

Von: Gabriela Wärter
350g flour
100ml lauwarme milk
120ml lauwarmes water
15g weiche butter
20g yeast
1 teaspoon crystal sugar
1g salt
baking sheet
mixing bowl
measuring cup
dough scraper
nutritional information
1 piece
995 kJ
3033 kJ
237 kcal
724 kcal
3.2 g
9.8 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
1.8 g
5.5 g
43 g
133 g
davon Zucker
1.9 g
5.8 g
7.5 g
22 g
0.1 g
0.5 g

Crispy baquette

description & times
Its very easy to bake baquette at home. You make a yeast dough that you let rest. Pastry sticks are formed from this and baked in the oven until golden brown.
add yeast to the flour
Put the flour in a bowl, add the yeast. Mix warm lukewarm milk, granulated sugar, salt, and butter
add water
Add water and milk to the flour, knead the dough with the hand mixer
let the dough rest
Cover and leave the dough to rest in a warm place
yeast dough
Heat the oven to 200° C. Cut the dough into two pieces.
making baquette
makeout of the dough a baquette.
cut the baquette
Put the baquette on a baking sheet, make for small cuts.
bake baquette
Bake the baquette in the oven for 30 minutes
crispy baquette
Take the baquette out of the oven, serve it when it has cooled down
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