Apple Strudel - Shortcrust dough

author: Gabriela Wärter
300g of shortcrust dough
1 tablespoon of butter or margarine
3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs
500g apples
Juice of half a lemon
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 small package of vanilla sugar
4 tablespoons of gelling sugar
1 tablespoon of of vanilla sugar
2 tablespoons of raisins
1 coffeespoon of rum
wooden spoon
citrus press
vegetable peeler
pan with handle
vegetable knife
vegetable peeler
rolling pin
nutritional information
1 piece
946 kJ
1089 kJ
225 kcal
260 kcal
8.4 g
9.6 g
5.1 g
5.9 g
34 g
39 g
19 g
22 g
2.7 g
3.1 g
0 g
0 g

Apple Strudel - Shortcrust dough

description & times
Apple Strudel in a delicate casing of shortcrust, is also known as a crumbling apple pie. Is not so easy to prepare, but the effort is totally worth it! Some gelling sugar is added to the apples. This is essential for binding the juice. In Austria, it's one of the dessert classics. Lukewarm, hot directly taken out of the oven or even cold, it always tastes good! This dessertcan be prepared very well the day before a feast.
Preparing the apple filling
Mix the raisins with the rum. Let them steep. Preheat the baking oven to 180°C. Melt the butter in a pan and roast the breadcrumbs. Wash the apples and peel them. Cut them into halves, remove the core casing and cut the apples into small pieces. Sprinkle them with the lemon juice, add the crumbs, the gelling sugar, the vanilla sugar, the cinnamon and the prepared raisins and mix thoroughly with the cooking spoon.
Rolling out the dough
Halve the dough. Sprinkle one part of it with flour and roll it out with a rolling pin on a lightly floured baking paper into a rectangular shape. Spread the filling on it.
If you shape the dough pastry before rolling out to a rectangle, you'll get an angular dough plate. If you form a loaf, the plate will become round.
Placeing the second dough plate
Roll out the remaining dough on a second piece of baking paper with the rolling pin into a rectangular shape, just like the first one. Use the rolling pin to to pull the dough sheet onto the first part. Round the edges with the dough wheel. Gently use your fingertips to get it into shape.
Cutting the pattern
Use the dough wheel or a knife to cut a pattern. Place the baking paper with your Strudel on it on the baking tray. Bake on medium rail in the oven for 25 minutes.
Apple Strudel - Shortcrust
Remove the Apple Strudel from the oven, add the sugar and cut it into eight pieces. You need to do this as long as it's still hot, because the shortcrust-dough will break easily after cooling. This traditional austrian dessert can also be enjoyed the next day.
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