Marble cake

Von: Gabriela Wärter
140g butter
170g icing sugar
4 eggs
½ small package baking soda
lemon flavour
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon of rum
100g crystal sugar
250g flour
30g corn flour
2 tablespoons of milk
1 cooking chocolate
3 tablespoons of cocoa
icing sugar
mixing bowl
extraordinary baking dishes
food processor
nutritional information
1 piece
1509 kJ
1275 kJ
360 kcal
304 kcal
15 g
12 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
8.7 g
7.4 g
49 g
41 g
davon Zucker
29 g
24 g
6.2 g
5.2 g
0.4 g
0.3 g

Marble cake

description & times
A Viennese confection of pastry with a lot of tradition definitely is the Marble cake. It owes its name to its beautiful marbling.
dredge ring cake form with flour
Spread soft butter with brush on ring cake form and dredge it with flour Get rid of exessive flour. Form should not have left out parts, as dough can easily stick and break there Preheat oven at 180°C Put chocolate into bowl and soften it by means of a double boiler
stir egg yolks creamy
Seperate eggs Stir egg yolks together with icing sugar creamy Afterwards stir in lukewarm butter spoon by spoon Add vanilla sugar and five drops of lemon aroma Stir everything once more properly Tip: Eggs and fat should have same temperature and not be too cold, otherwise mass flocculates.
add crystal sugar
beat egg-white to stiff beaten egg-white add crystal sugar to beaten egg-white beat everything properly
mix ingredients
mix baking powder with flour and salt interchangeably add milk and rum carefully fold in beaten egg-white with eggbeater
pour 2/3 of dough in form
pour 2/3 of dough in prepared ring cake form
mix rest of dough with chocolate
mix rest of dough with chocolate
add chocolate mass by drawing fork in dough
Add chocolate mass by drawing fork in white dough. This way a beautiful marbling develops during baking.
bake approx. 40-45 minutes
Bake on middle bar for approx. 40-45 minutes Stick in fork or needle. If nothing sticks, then cake is ready.
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let it be a couple of minutes
Let Marble cake be a couple of minutes. A vapor coat develops between form and cake and therefore one can easly drop cake on prepared baking sheet later. Possibly remove border of dough with a knife.
besprinkle with icing sugar
besprinkle cake with icing sugar
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