Red cabbage

super easy
Von: Gabriela Wärter
70g apples
70g onions
1 tablespoon of oil
125ml red wine
1 orange
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of pepper
1 coffeespoon of cranberry jam
frying pan
wooden spoon
citrus press
vegetable slicer
nutritional information
1 serving
247 kJ
1430 kJ
59 kcal
341 kcal
1.8 g
10 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0.2 g
1.6 g
6.2 g
36 g
davon Zucker
5.6 g
32 g
0.8 g
5 g
0 g
0.1 g

Red cabbage

description & times
Frozen red cabbage is very convenient, but it usually lacks the finishing touch. With wine, orange juice, apple pieces and spices it can be refined quickly and easily.
Preparing the apples
Remove the red cabbage from the packet and let it thaw. Heat the oil in the pan, peel the onion, cut and chop it finely. Tear the apple with the slicer. Squeeze out the orange. Fry the onion until they are glassy in a saucepan.
Roasting the apples
Add the apple of the onion and fry it briefly. Deglaze the vegetables with the wine and let it boil down. Heat the red cabbage together with the orange juice in a saucepan. Season with salt, pepper and cinnamon and slowly thaw the cabbage in the juice and allow it to warm up slowly.
Red cabbage
The red cabbage is a side dish that goes well with poultry or game dishes.
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