Ciabatta with dried tomatoes

Von: Gabriela Wärter
400g flour
200ml lukewarm water
80g dried tomatoes
2 tablespoons of olive oil
1 coffeespoon of salt
1 twig short basil
2g yeast
2 tablespoons of flour
1 tablespoon of crystal sugar
1 tablespoon of water
Cooking-test for breads
baking sheet
mixing bowl
food processor
kitchen knife
rolling pin
dough scraper
nutritional information
1 piece
965 kJ
3600 kJ
230 kcal
859 kcal
3.3 g
12 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0.4 g
1.8 g
43 g
161 g
davon Zucker
2.8 g
10 g
6.1 g
22 g
0.4 g
1.5 g

Ciabatta with dried tomatoes

description & times
Ciabatta is white bread made from yeast dough. As its name suggests, its origin is Italy. I appreciate the crunchy crust and the coarse pores of this bread. It is very easy to prepare and consists of flour, water and yeast. The taste is provided by dried tomato pieces and fresh basil. If you like to have more tomato flavor, just increase the amount of them. Homemade fresh bread always tastes great.
Preparing basil and tomatoes
Mix together the ingredients for the pre-dough and put it in a bowl. Let it to rise in a warm place. Strain the dried, pickled tomatoes and them cut into thick strips using a knife. Pluck the basil. I use the olive oil of the pickled tomatoes, because it tastes rich and is already flavored.
Mehr Informationen zu "Pre-dough"
Setting up the dough
Put the flour together with the pre-dough and the olive oil in a bowl and stir the mixture. Salt the dough and gradually add the water. The dough should not be too sticky and dissolve from the edge of the bowl. Add the tomatoes and the basil to the dough.
Leaven the dough
Cover the dough with a cloth so that the surface won't dry out too much. Put it in a warm place and let it rise. The volume of the dough should double at least.
Forming and dividing
Preheat the oven to 220 ° C convection. Put the dough onto a floured work surface. Roll out a rectangle using a rolling pin, the dough should be at least finger thick. Fold up left and right; the edges should touch. Turn the dough and divide it in the middle using a dough card. In this matter, you close the edges.
Forming poles
Turn over slightly the sides of the ciabatta. This way, the rods get their typical shape. Put the white bread on the baking tray, cover it with a cloth and let it rest for another 15 minutes.
Baking the bread
Place the baking tray on the middle rail in the preheated oven and bake the bread until it's crispy and golden brown.
Mehr Informationen zu "Cooking-test for breads"
Cutting into pieces
After cooling, cut the ciabatta into pieces with the bread knife.
Ciabatta with dried tomatoes
The ciabatta with dried tomatoes suits every occasion and has so much taste, that you can enjoy it even without toppings.
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