Mushrooms in batter

super easy
Von: Gabriela Wärter
180g mushrooms pro Person
rapeseed oil zum Ausbacken
60g flour zum Wenden
125ml milk
100g flour
2 eggs
20g sugar
1 pinch salt
mixing bowl
vegetable knife
nutritional information
1 serving
631 kJ
3821 kJ
150 kcal
912 kcal
2.9 g
17 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
1 g
6.5 g
23 g
144 g
davon Zucker
4.9 g
29 g
6.9 g
41 g
0 g
0.5 g

Mushrooms in batter

description & times
Baked mushrooms are known to almost everyone. However, the mushrooms don't always have to be breaded. If you dip them in a simple batter and fry them in hot oil, you get a crispy shell with the delicate flavor of the mushrooms. Their texture is very similar to meat, making them a tasty meat substitute. It's easy to prepare them, and you can serve them quickly. Whether as an appetizing warm starter for a festive menu, a hearty main course, or a snack in between, or as finger food for the party buffet, this dish will be enjoyed not only by vegetarians. The mushroom dish is relatively inexpensive, and with this recipe, you can also contribute to climate protection because especially domestically cultivated mushrooms have a very low CO² footprint.
preparing the batter
Clean the mushrooms thoroughly with a vegetable cleaning knife. Separate the eggs. Mix the egg yolks and milk in a bowl, add salt, then add the flour and sugar. Whisk everything together until smooth. Let the mixture sit for five minutes to allow the flour to swell.
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fold in the beaten egg whites
Beat the egg whites until they form stiff peaks, then gently fold them into the creamy mixture using a whisk.
coat mushrooms in batter
Heat the oil in a deep pan. First, coat the mushrooms in flour, then dip them into the batter, allowing any excess to drain off.
fry the mushrooms
Place the coated mushrooms in the hot oil and fry them slowly until they turn golden brown on all sides. Lift them out of the pan using a slotted spoon and let them drain on kitchen paper.
mushrooms in batter
Serve the crispy baked mushrooms in batter immediately while hot. They pair well with salads and cold sauces.
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