Fried Oyster mushrooms

super easy low carb
Von: Gabriela Wärter
1 egg
1 tablespoon of milk
1 pinch salt
1 pinch pepper
flour zum Panieren
breadcrumb zum Panieren
coconut oil/coconut fat zum Ausbacken
cutting board
vegetable knife
slotted spatula
nutritional information
1 serving
222 kJ
601 kJ
53 kcal
143 kcal
2.4 g
6.7 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0.7 g
2 g
0.9 g
2.5 g
davon Zucker
0.7 g
2.1 g
6.7 g
18 g
0 g
0.2 g

Fried Oyster mushrooms

description & times
Oyster mushrooms are highly flavorful edible fungi that can be cultivated domestically, offering a year-round supply. They are characterized by a delicate taste similar to that of porcini mushrooms, and they boast a firm texture. Their meaty consistency makes them an excellent choice for vegetarian and meatless dishes. Oyster mushrooms lend themselves well to breading; when golden-brown fried in oil, they transform into a delectable dish. In less than half an hour, you can have a freshly cooked, tasty main course by serving them with remoulade sauce and salad.
Mix the eggs
Clean the Oyster mushrooms. Mix the egg with milk and season it with salt and pepper.
Pilze panieren
Heat the oil in the pan. Cut the mushrooms. Coat the oyster mushrooms first in flour, then in the egg mixture, and finally in breadcrumbs. Gently shake off any excess breadcrumbs.
Fry the Oyster mushrooms
Put the mushrooms in the pan. fry them golden-brown and crispy on both sides. Remove them from the oil and let them drain well on kitchen paper to absorb any excess oil.
Fried Oyster mushrooms
Serve the Oyster mushrooms with salad or remoulade sauce
Mehr zu "Creamy remoulade sauce"
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