Wiener Schnitzel made from veal

Von: Gabriela Wärter
200g veal escalope
1 egg
1 tablespoon of milk
1 teaspoon of salt
1 pinch of pepper
1 cup of breadcrumbs
1 cup of flour
sunflower oil
meat tenderizer
slotted spatula
kitchen knife
nutritional information
1 serving
1081 kJ
8089 kJ
258 kcal
1931 kcal
1.9 g
14 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren
0.5 g
3.8 g
46 g
347 g
davon Zucker
1.8 g
13 g
12 g
96 g
0.8 g
6.3 g

Wiener Schnitzel made from veal

description & times
The Wiener Schnitzel is the most famous dish of Viennese cuisine. Traditionally, veal from the top bit and rump is used. Don't press on the panade too hard. It is meant to form bubbles after frying or otherwise it will become too hard. The panade is meant to paint this dish in gold. Originally, the preparation method of coating with breadcrumbs and deep-frying was established in Italy. Due to the k. u. k. Monarchy, this method was adapted in Viennese cuisine.
Mixing milk and eggs
Fill a frying pan three fingers high with oil. The escalopes need to swin in there. Slowly heat it on the stove. Beat the eggs and mix them with the milk. Season with pepperand salt.
Tenderizing the meat
Wash the meat and dab it until it's dry. Lay it meat onto plastic foil. Tenderise the meat using a tenderizer. Season the escalopes with salt and pepper.
Tap carefully or otherwise the fibers of the meat could be destroyed.
Applying the panade
Prepare the flour, the egg mixture and the crumbs separately in plates or bowls. Put the meat first into flour, then the egg and finally coat them with the breadcrumbs. Lightly press and remove the surplus crumbs.
Carefully place the Schnitzels in the hot fat and let them bake slowly on both sides until they are golden-yellow.
Letting them drain
Take the baked Schnitzels out of the fat. Let them drip off on some kitchen crepe.
Wiener Schnitzel made from veal
Serve the Schnitzels on hot plates together with salad and parsley potatoes.
Mehr zu "Potato salad"
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